Dan Patrick: God’s Lawgiver for U.S. Senate

Earlier this morning, state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, paid a visit to his conservative talk-radio pal Laura Ingraham and announced on her nationally syndicated program that he’s forming an exploratory committee in preparation for a run at the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by fellow Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison. Since joining the Texas Senate in […]

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A Real Scholar’s Take on David Barton

Kudos to Jon Stewart for following up. The host of “The Daily Show” recently invited Richard Beeman, a constitutional scholar and history professor at the University of Pennsylvania, to respond to claims by phony historian David Barton made on the same show earlier this month. To his credit, Stewart begins the Beeman interview by admitting […]

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Dan Patrick on Abortion: ‘It’s a God Issue’

State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, had the following to say today as Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed into law his bill requiring women seeking an abortion to have a sonogram of the fetus at least 24 hours before the procedure. Sen. Patrick was responding to remarks by someone in the audience talking about women who […]

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Deconstructing David Barton

David Barton‘s much talked about appearance on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart is not going away, with lots of keystrokes and time being devoted to analyzing the faux historian’s comments and assertions. One of those doing some analyzing is Prof. John Fea. Prof. Fea’s analysis is particularly interesting because of his own résumé. Fea […]

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