Celebrate Charles Darwin’s Birthday by Allowing Schools to #TeachTheTruth

As long as one can remember, parents have sent their children to school in hopes that they’ll get an education that will allow them to learn from our past, develop critical thinking skills, and find their passion as they become contributing adults in our society. The schoolhouse door is meant to welcome children from every […]

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Texas SBOE Majority Betrays Millions of Public School Students

AUSTIN, Texas – In a reversal of their vote in November, the Texas State Board of Education has voted to remove its previous recommendation to the Legislature opposing private school vouchers.

This week’s vote by the State Board of Education’s Republican majority to reverse the board’s previous bipartisan opposition to voucher legislation is a betrayal of the millions of children who attend Texas public schools, Texas Freedom Network Political Director Carisa Lopez said today. […]

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El Paso City Council Listens to Community and Advocates, Votes to Pass GRACE Act

EL PASO, Texas – The El Paso City Council today voted 7-1 to pass the GRACE Act, stating that police will deprioritize investigations into people who may have obtained an abortion and medical providers suspected of providing one. 

Texas Freedom Network and its project, Texas Rising, advocated for passing of the GRACE Act in El Paso and Austin last year. […]

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Far-Right Conservatives Buy their Way into Texas State Board of Education

And just like that… the Texas State Board of Education takes a step back to resemble the board of culture warriors and far-right extremists we had in 2010. Since our founding, TFN has led education advocacy work as the watchdog of the State Board of Education, and we know the signs of an uprising from […]

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After Years Of Advocacy Work, Texas Rising Organizers Celebrate Closure Of Spruce Coal Plant

SAN ANTONIO – CPS Energy voted Monday to move away from burning coal at its Spruce coal plant, and convert it to burning another fossil fuel, natural gas.

The plant was one of the most recent coal plants to be built in the U.S., and quickly became one of the largest polluters, not only in San Antonio, but in the country. […]

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