Op-ed by Val Benavidez: We’re Fighting for Religious Freedom While the Far Right Weaponizes It

As executive director of the Texas Freedom Network, I know fighting for a Texas that’s truly for all demands that I reserve a deep well of hope. Yet, I feel the frustration so many have as the right continues to use religious freedom as a weapon to advance a radical political agenda. […]

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Pomp. Circumstance. Hypocrisy. Another Abbott Inauguration.

We endured a third inauguration for Governor Greg Abbott on Tuesday, and the run-of-show was nothing new: Pomp. Circumstance. Hypocrisy. Blatant disregard for the separation of church and state. Anti-abortion rhetoric. Thinly veiled jeers at the LGBTQIA+ community. Undermining public education. No mention of the lives lost in Uvalde, TX last year or gun violence while touting a plan to “make our schools safer.” […]

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