What Anti-Sharia Hysteria Can Do

Is the hateful rhetoric surrounding the anti-Sharia hysteria we’ve been reporting about filtering down into our public schools? A Houston television station reports that a local high school teacher has been put on administrative leave after he allegedly told a Muslim student “I bet you’re grieving” because of the death of Osama bin Laden. The […]

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Sharia Hysteria: Dancing with Bigots

As we have reported, an Arizona attorney and white supremacist who traffics in anti-Muslim and anti-black bigotry created the model legislation for House Bill 911, an anti-Sharia bill that passed the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee last week. And who is supporting HB 911? One supporter testifying in favor of state Rep. Leo […]

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They’ll Say Anything

The religious right is angry again (so what else is new?) with President Obama. This time religious-right pressure groups are attacking the president (and closet Muslim, right?) for not issuing a proclamation in honor of Easter. Here’s a Twitter post on Monday from David Barton, head of Texas-based WallBuilders: @whitehouse fails to release #Easter Proclamation […]

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The Man Behind the Sharia Hysteria

So who is really behind House Bill 911, the proposed Texas legislation that supporters say will stop the mythical threat of Sharia law from being imposed on Texas? As we’ve said before, scratch the surface of the anti-Muslim hate and hysteria promoted by far-right pressure groups in this country and you’ll sniff the familiar stench […]

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Exposing David Barton’s Lies about America

We’re glad to see that more Americans are learning the truth about the far right’s minister of propaganda — phony historian David Barton. Regular TFN Insider readers already know a lot about Barton and his Texas-based organization’s efforts to destroy basic constitutional protections for religious freedom in America. In addition, the Texas Freedom Network Education […]

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