Attention Teachers: Provide Feedback on Current State Science Standards

The Texas Education Agency is surveying educators regarding their opinions about the current Science TEKS. The results of the survey will inform the recommendations of the science TEKS review work groups.

This is our opportunity to ensure Texas teaches the truth about 21st-century science, especially on climate change and evolution. Teaching the facts about climate change might be controversial for politicians and polluters, but it’s not controversial for scientists who study it. And we still must be vigilant in stopping efforts by creationists to undermine the teaching of evolution.

Your thoughts matter. The State Board of Education members frequently refer to the results of these educator surveys during their decision-making process. In order to provide an informed opinion, we recommend reviewing the current Science TEKS.

Once you’re ready, you can fill out the survey at this link. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you so much for taking your time to make your voice heard in this important matter. If you have any questions on how to get involved with the process further, please send an email to [email protected].

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