Attack on Science Coming to the Texas House

StandUp4ScienceThe Texas House sub-committee on Educator Quality will take up House Bill 1485 by state Rep. Valoree Swanson, R-Spring.

Plain and simple, this is about bringing creationism and climate science denial into state schools.

HB 1485 protects academic fraud. It would allow public school teachers to introduce junk science into the classroom on topics like evolution and climate change, and school administrators would be powerless to stop it.

We need you to testify against this bill or call (see below for contact information) members of the committee.

How to Register to Testify

The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, starting at 8 a.m., in room E2.036 of the Texas Capitol extension. You can register to testify when you arrive at the hearing room.

  • If you simply want to register your position on the bill or provide written testimony without speaking at the hearing, you can register at one of the electronic kiosks outside the hearing room.
  • If you also want to submit written testimony, give 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name on each copy.
  • The hearing room could be full. So be prepared to wait a while for your turn to testify.

What to Tell the Committee

Here are some talking points to help you craft your testimony. You can download TFN’s HB 1485 fact sheet here.

  • HB 1485 purports to be about “academic freedom,” but it’s really about protecting individuals who engage in academic fraud.
  • HB 1485 would prevent school administrators from ensuring students receive accurate course material that reflects the scientific consensus on evolution and climate change.
  • School administrators should not be required to look the other way when faculty distorts mainstream science and research.

How to Contact Members of the Committee

If you can’t make it to the hearing, use the above talking points to contact members of the committee. Here’s how to reach them (tap the number to dial if you’re on a mobile device).

Rep. Ken King (chair) – 512-463-0736

Rep. Alma Allen – 512-463-0744

Rep. Harold Dutton – 512-463-0510

Rep. Morgan Meyer – 512-463-0367

Rep. Gary VanDeaver – 512-463-0692

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