An update on Bill Nye and EPIC Evening

Even in the fight to stand up for science, we’re reminded sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but you always go with the beat.

As Gov. Ann Richards said about Ginger Rogers, she did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels.

So in that spirit, we’re asking you to update your calendars as we’re pushing back TFN’s EPIC Evening to Sunday, December 8.

As it turns out, this is just one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for one of our heroes of science to take center stage. Literally.

As you may already know, our keynote speaker for this year’s EPIC Evening, Bill Nye the Science Guy, recently joined the cast on the popular TV show “Dancing with the Stars.”

Whether ballroom dancing is an art or a science, Bill’s formula is winning over judges and fans, and we couldn’t be more excited for him and the added exposure it gives to his advocacy for sound science education in our schools.

So we’re waltzing TFN’s EPIC Evening back a few weeks to Sunday, December 8, to allow Bill to both fulfill his obligations to “Dancing with the Stars” and still come to Texas.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this move may cause, but aside from the date change, all other event details remain the same.

So we hope you will join us for this EPIC celebration on Sunday, December 8, at the Westin Austin at The Domain. If you haven’t done so yet, you can secure your sponsorship today!

As always, if you have any questions about TFN’s EPIC Evening, please feel to contact Shana Creeger at [email protected]. Thank you so much.

Kathy Miller
President, Texas Freedom Network

P.S. Feel free to bring your dancing shoes. You never know.

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