ALERT: Committee Hearing on Discrimination in LGBT Foster Care & Adoption

Another attack on LGBT Texans is coming Wednesday.

HB 3859 would allow child welfare providers that contract with the state to discriminate against LGBT families in foster care and adoptive placements.

Efforts to authorize state-sanctioned discrimination purportedly to protect religious freedom would put vulnerable children at serious risk. The primary consideration for a child welfare services provider should always be the best interests of the child – not advancing a sectarian belief or political agenda. Texas should not place the religious beliefs of the provider ahead of children’s needs.

We need you to come to the Capitol and speak out against this dangerous bill when it’s heard by the House Committee on State Affairs.


How can you testify at the hearing?

The hearing begins at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 29, 2017, in E2.028 of the Capitol extension.

  • If you simply want to register your position on the bill or provide written testimony without speaking at the hearing, you can register at one of the electronic kiosks outside the hearing room.
  • If you also want to submit written testimony, give 20 copies to the committee clerk with your name on each copy.
  • We expect the hearing room will be full. So be prepared to wait a while for your turn to testify.


What do you tell the committee?

The key message is that HB 3859 promotes discrimination against the LGBT community — and much more.

Click here for some background on the bill and suggested talking points for your testimony.


Join the press event

Come to the south steps of the Capitol for press event at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday. You can bring signs and provide support as press conference speakers explain to reporters why the Legislature should reject HB 3859 and other bills that would create a license to discriminate.


Amplify on social media

Share this post and other information about HB 3859 on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Use the hashtag #YallMeansAll.

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