With SB29, Dan Patrick’s Senate Is Pushing Discrimination Yet Again

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s obsession with writing discrimination against LGBTQ Texans into law continues as the Senate State Affairs Committee hears testimony today on a bill that would ban transgender students from participating in school sports across the state. Check out our press statement today.

Transgender Students Participating in Sports Isn’t a Threat; Failed Leadership Is

March 26, 2021

Texas Freedom Network President Val Benavidez has the following statement on today’s Senate State Affairs Committee hearing on SB29, which would ban transgender youth from participation in public school sports across the state:

“This bill is yet another example of Dan Patrick’s blinding obsession with turning the Senate into a clearinghouse for legislation that enables bullying of children and dehumanizes people because of who they are or who they love. In one legislative session after another, we have seen his Senate push bills turning religion into a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people or barring transgender people from simply being able to use a public bathroom without fear and harassment or worse. Now this bill cruelly targets transgender youth who want to to put in the hard work and experience the joy of participating in sports with their peers at school. Texas deserves better than leaders who bully kids as a way to distract from their failures on critical issues, like a virus that has killed nearly 50,000 Texans and a catastrophic power outage that left millions of Texans freezing in the middle of a winter storm. Transgender students participating in sports at school isn’t a threat to Texans. Failed leadership is.”


The Texas Freedom Network (tfn.org) is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

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