The Week in Quotes (May 1 – 7)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Sarah J. Wheat, chief external affairs officer at Planned Parenthood, commenting on reports that the abortion pill has seen increased usage in Texas since the FDA changed usage rules in March.

We have seen a fourfold increase in the number of our patients choosing medication abortion since the FDA updated its protocol. From our perspective, it’s restoring options for women. It’s putting decisions back in the hands of women instead of politicians at the Capitol.

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Conservative evangelical preacher John Hagee’s remarks made at the Texas gathering for National Day of Prayer.

When public schools are now mandating that boys who wake up one day feeling like little girls can use the girls restroom, we have reached moral madness.

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Ted Cruz, ending his presidential campaign after losing the Indiana Republican primary to Donald Trump.

Tonight, I’m sorry to say that path has been foreclosed.

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Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, suggesting that Donald Trump should pledge to appoint Ted Cruz to the U.S. Supreme Court if Trump becomes president.

I should make clear that I have not spoken with Ted about this, but I believe one immediate step toward uniting our party would be for Donald Trump to consider naming Ted to replace Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, saying he will support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump if he apologizes for smearing Sen. Ted Cruz.

You had Donald Trump lie repeatedly and — heavens to Betsy — accusing the most honorable guy in the race of all kinds of dishonesty. As a Christian, Stuart, if he apologizes, then yes, I will forgive him and come on board.

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