The Week in Quotes (March 25 – 31)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, during one of the March for Our Lives events held nationwide.

“This is a defining moment for our city, our state and our country.”


Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, proposing that children memorize the Ten Commandments in school as a way to stop gun violence.

“I think we need to return to that. Teaching people, starting with our children, that there is a God to whom they’re accountable is not the only thing we need to do to end gun violence, but it is the first thing we need to do.”


Michael Quiñones of People Magazine, writing ahead of the television premiere of the award-winning documentary on Huerta.

“Future generations will not forget Dolores Huerta and her more than six decades of activism, no matter how hard the Texas State Board of Education or anyone else tries to erase her from the history books.”


From a 2015 email to staff of then-Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who faced backlash from fellow conservatives when the eventual vice president agreed to change an anti-LGBT law in the face of widespread boycott threats. The change, however, still left LGBT people vulnerable to discrimination.

“Indiana is fronted by a coward. I just watched your boss throw the ENTIRE Christian population in America under the Left’s Gay Extortion Bus.”


The editorial board of the Houston Chronicle, on Ken Paxton’s latest move that attacks teachers and discourages voting.

“Our attorney general has more important job duties. This partisan battle against public school educators needs to come to an end.”

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