Week of Action: Fighting for Rosie’s Law in the RGV

rjweekofactionThis week Texas Rising and TFN will host a Week of Action in support of “Rosie’s Law” — HB 895.

Rosie’s Law ensures that those enrolled in the Texas Medicaid program can receive coverage for abortion care services. Everyone deserves access to health care, including safe and legal abortion, free from discrimination based on income, the type of health benefit plan they are enrolled in, or any other factor.

We have events throughout the week, culminating on Friday with an in-district lobby day where you will have the opportunity to meet with your state representative and explain why Rosie’s Law is important to you and your community.

We hope you can make it out to a few of these events this week. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ofelia Alonso at [email protected].

Greater Good CoWork
Monday, 6pm 7:30pm
More info and to RSVP

Informational Tabling
UTRGV Student Union
Tuesday, 11am 2pm
More info and to RSVP

Advocacy and Lobbying Training
Greater Good CoWork
Wednesday, 6pm 7:30pm
More info and to RSVP

Reversing Roe Movie Screening
Whole Woman’s Health
Thursday, 6:30pm 8:30pm
More info and to RSVP

Lobby Day!
Friday, 9am 12pm
More info and to RVSP

Support Community Action. Give to Our Rapid Response Fund!