We need YOU as a UTSA Campus Activist (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)

Are you passionate about reproductive rights & LGBTQ equality? Do you want to lead a progressive movement on your campus? Are you looking to gain valuable advocacy experience with a leading progressive non-profit? If so, the Texas Freedom Network may have an opportunity for you.

The TFN Student Organizing program is made up of campus organizers who work to advocate for issues that matter on their campuses and in their communities.


What is a TFN Student Organizer?

Since 2006, TFN has been developing young, progressive activists who are passionate about creating change on their campuses and in their communities.

The TFN Student Organizing program is made up of young leaders who run TFN student chapters on their campuses.

Student Organizers receive grassroots organizing training and mentoring by TFN staff, a monthly stipend of $100, and the opportunity to build a progressive movement on their campus.


You can apply if you are:

  • Attending the University of Texas at Austin
  • Support TFN’s progressive values
  • Prepared to maintain a student organization on your campus
  • Ready to build and run a campaign

Applicants should expect to commit 10-15 hours a week organizing on campus, posses strong communication skills (both written and interpersonal), have the ability to recruit and manage volunteers, set and reach goals, and draft and adhere to a work plan.


How do I apply?

Submit a cover letter explaining your experience and interest in TFN campus organizing to:

Nick Savelli
TFN Outreach & Field Manager
Email: [email protected]

If you have questions contact Nick by email.
Applications are being considered on a rolling basis. 

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