
rage_guy3Did you know our nation is at war? No, not just the terrorism/Al Qaeda one. Americans — or Americans with the appropriate religious beliefs, at least — are also at war with the “pro-homosexual left” and the “enemies of religious freedom.” Or so says religious-right groups like Texas Values, the Austin-based state affiliate of Focus on the Family.

Check out the following excerpt from an email Texas Values sent to its supporters on Thursday (with the grammar and spelling errors as well as the overly dramatic bolded and italicized text in the original). Then ask yourself what message those supporters are supposed to take away from it:

America today is occupied territory. The enemies of religious freedom occupy every power center from government to academia. Everyone except its spiritual core. Thank God, that power isn’t centered in Washington. It flows from the faith and values of its people, from a thousand churches and faith-filled homes across Texas and beyond.

That makes our pastors the Leaders of the Resistancee.

How does an invading army break the will of an occupied people? First, it identifies its Resistance Leaders. Next, it isolates and demoralizes them, making them think they’re alone and powerless. Then it breaks them––before the people can rally to their defense.

This is why your pastor is truly in the cross-hairs. Armed with not only the recent egregious Supreme Court same-sex ‘marriage’ decision but a host of lower-court rulings and guidelines, the pro-homosexual left is scouring Texas—America’s last stronghold of resistance—seeking “weakest link” communities and churches for a pre-emptive strike.

The email goes on to praise recently passed legislation in Texas to “protect” pastors from having to perform marriages that violate their religious beliefs. Of course, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution already provided that protection. Roman Catholic priests, for example, have always been free to refuse to marry individuals who have been previously divorced.

Appeals like the one in the Texas Values email distort the noble meaning and history of religious freedom in America. But just as disturbing is the increasingly violent and martial rhetoric from the religious right. “Occupied territory.” “Invading army.” “Resistance Leaders.” “Pre-emptive strike.” Frankly, the folks over at Texas Values sound almost unhinged.

But have no fear. All will be fine, the email suggests, if supporters provide a “sacrificial gift” to help Texas Values raise $25,000 to “fully fund” their “Protect Pastors educational campaign.”

Whew. All they want is money. So maybe we don’t have to worry that all the over-the-top rhetoric will persuade fanatics to turn to violence in advancing an ideological agenda. But that really wouldn’t happen anyway? Right?

5 thoughts on “Unhinged?

  1. The Bible is not very keen on appealing for funds. I don’t know why they think they need it.

  2. They are not defending religious freedom, they are trying to continue invoking religious tyranny upon those who do not conform to their religious opinions.

  3. La la la la laa la. The loonies are loose on our borders. By smashing their god’s commandments they try to sucker every person into their dens of iniquity.

    They ought to learn how to read. Once that is accomplished, they need to read the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA where RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IS ONE OF THE MAIN CORNERSTONES OF THIS COUNTRY..

    Yesterday morning, I was awoken by a nice Christian man who tried to convert me into believing what I long ago rejected. I’ve nothing against what I think is genuine Christianity, I feel the same way about all other religions, including Islam, and all other monotheist religions.

    After having a nice conversation with him he still insisted that I HAVE to come to his church (which he incorrectly called a Messianic Synagogue)

    The Constitution of this country says that I can believe anything I wish or NOT TO BELIEVE IN ANYTHING.

    The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of ANY LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

    How ’bout that, boys and girls? Those idiot preachers want federal protections? They want to make law that affect religion. NO WAY! This is, once again, A SECULAR nation, there is NO religion that is preferred.

    The IRS jackasses permit the religious jerks to preach while accepting tax exemptions if they preach politics which it seems that is all that they do nowadays.

    They want “religious protections” all the while breaking the agreement they have with the Federal Government.

    My loathing of those people knows no bounds. You want to talk about God? That is your right as long as you keep politics OUT of it.

    Christians are bringing down their own downfall. They still preach that if you do not accept one guy or the other you are going to a hell that does not exist.

    In two words: ____ them.

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