Thunderclap for Science

The conclusion of our year-long effort to protect science in Texas hangs on a final vote at the State Board of Education this Friday.

And on Thursday morning when the board begins its crucial deliberations over the science textbooks, we want to show them the world is watching. We’re going to hit them with a Stand Up for Science “Thunderclap.”

What that means is if we meet our goal of 100 action takers, Thunderclap will blast out a timed Facebook post or tweet from science supporters around the world, creating a wave of attention.

I’m pleased to tell you that we are in a strong position — all the proposed textbooks have a complete, uncensored account of evolution and climate change. But if history is a guide, things can go south quickly once the state board begins its debate.

Even though we are on the brink of victory, we can’t take anything for granted.

Keep an eye out for TFN emails and Facebook posts this week. If things go crazy at the state board, we need you to be ready to act.

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