The Week in Quotes (Oct. 6 – 12)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Glenn Beck, advising his listeners that they should use verbal abuse and physical intimidation to teach their children that their rights “come from God” by getting “in their face” and making them cry.

Push them! Because if you don’t do it now, it’s going to be much worse when they’re pushed and they’re shoved and they’re shot. Push them! Teach them! They need to know the truth and they need to be pushed up against the wall once in a while so they know they can defend themselves.

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Supreme Court Justice Justice Antonin Scalia, when asked if he believes in the devil.

Of course! Yeah, he’s a real person. Hey, c’mon, that’s standard Catholic doctrine! Every Catholic believes that.

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Televangelist Pat Robertson, responding to a viewer questioning why he never prays for God to replace limbs.

Don’t sit on your couch and give us grief because we’re not praying for legs to grow for Heaven’s sakes. If we can ask God to heal your cancer, thank Him for that, please.

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A new billboard in Times Square funded by Answers in Genesis, a Christian group that promotes the creationist young-earth theory.

To our atheist friends: Thank God you’re wrong.

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Thomas Suedhof, one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine, saying that scientific progress in the United States is in peril due to ideological challenges.

I would consider it as progress if everybody, no matter what their ideology or religion is, could agree on the principle that truth is not an ideological issue.

You can’t at the same time be for science and against it.

It seems to me there is a significant increasingly vocal percentage of the population that thinks we shouldn’t go after truth and truth is not important. And so that worries the hell out me.

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Pat Robertson, telling a viewer that a low-carb diet “violates the principles that God set down.”

You get all kinds of problems where you ache like crazy. That’s the truth of it, if you don’t have some carbs in there. The carbs are the fire that burns everything.

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U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, telling the Values Voter Summit that Arizona Sen. John McCain is a supporter of al Qaeda.

I heard just before I came, some senator from Arizona, a guy that liked Gaddafi before he wanted to bomb him. A guy that’s been to Syria and supported al Qaeda and the rebels. But he was saying today the shutdown has been a fools’ errand. And I agree with him, the president and Harry Reid should not have shut this government down.

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A top aide to Republican New Jersey Senate hopeful Steve Lonegan went … wow .. oh, wow.


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