The Week in Quotes (May 20 – 26)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

I know you don’t want to answer the personal questions, but I’m going to try again … Why do — you’ve never been to the home of a same sex couple — why do homosexuals bother you so much?

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Rita Ashley, on running against Bradley in the Republican primary for the Texas State Board of Education District 7 seat.

I’ve been screaming about David Bradley for 12 years.

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Former Texas State Board of Education chairman Jack Christie and former Texas Education Commissioner Jim Nelson, in an editorial about SBOE elections.

But perhaps most fundamentally, we hope voters will choose state board candidates who make clear that they are far more interested in educating our schoolchildren than in fighting the endless culture wars. In other words, vote for a State Board of Education that puts our kids ahead of politics. The future of Texas depends on it.

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Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton, on David Barton’s latest book.

With “The Jefferson Lies” hitting the New York Times list of bestsellers, it seems clear that being fast and loose with the facts sells well.

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Dan Quinn, Texas Freedom Network communications director, on this year’s State Board of Education elections.

The reason the elections are important is that the State Board guides what 5 million kids are going to learn in the public schools and most parents want public schools to provide an education based on facts and scholarship and not on politics and personal beliefs.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (May 20 – 26)

  1. If you consider for a moment the recurring themes espoused through writings and speeches, and in conversations, of Tony Perkins, David Barton, Bryan Fisher, Donald Wildmon, Richard Land, James Dobson and like minded individuals you will see a common thread – they are all merchants of hate. They have a deep hatred of abortion, hatred of Planned Parenthood, hatred of democracy, hatred of individual liberty, hatred of science, hatred of Darwinian theory, hatred of accurate American history, hatred of Enlightenment thinkers, hatred of comprehensive sex education, hatred of non-sectarian schools, hatred of non-sectarian school syllabi, hatred of gay marriage, hatred of gays, hatred of progress and hatred of progressives.

    And yet each of these individuals is an evangelical Christian; they claim to have had a conversion experience, a moment of spiritual awakening, in which they have been infused with the holy spirit and have subsequently dedicated their lives to serving Jesus Christ and spreading his message throughout the world. Are we to believe for even an instant that Jesus would approve of the venomous poison they are spreading? Of course not. Would Jesus hang out with these people? Absolutely not. Would he give them the time of day? No, actually he would be quite upset with the hateful message they are conveying in his name, and in fact he may very well see fit to throw them out of the temple, just as he did the money changers. And with any luck that temple would be on the 43rd floor of the Sears Tower.

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