The Week in Quotes (June 17 – 23)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Joe Pojman, Texas Alliance for Life executive director, explaining why anti-choice activists might seek to revise Texas law to force women to carry to term pregnancies resulting from rape and incest.

Those are cases [involving rape and incest] we really have to stop and think about what’s best for the women and what’s best for the unborn child. And many times the abortion, we have been told, can be more traumatic to the woman emotionally than the actual rape.

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A resolution approved by the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans.

We deny that the effort to legalize ‘same-sex marriage’ qualifies as a civil rights issue since homosexuality does not qualify as a class meriting special protections, like race and gender.

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Rev. Fred Luter Jr., on becoming the Southern Baptist Convention’s first African-American president.

I promise you I’m going to do all that I can to make sure this is not just a one-and-done deal.

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Dennis Mansfield, on his former friend Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association.

When someone wraps their own hate speech in a ‘god blanket’ it makes it easier for a subset of people to accept, and eventually it may even gather a following. The problem is that anyone outside of that subset is turned away from not only that particular subset, but from the entire religion.

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Glenn Beck, telling an audience of his plans to launch a show to compete against “Glee.”

It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re teaching high schoolers.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (June 17 – 23)

  1. “…we have been told,…”

    By whom were you told that, Mr Pojman? Do that have any of that, y’know, research stuff to back that assertion up? Did your sources compare the psychological damage of carrying a child from a rape to term, and then raising it to adulthood, with the psychological damage of an abortion?

    Is it even within your mental ability, Mr Pojman, to imagine the trauma that rape or incest could cause, particularly to some young teenager? Can you imagine, just hypothetically, what sort of psychological damage you would suffer if you were the victim of rape?

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