The SBOE Is Taking Up Science Again This Year

SUFS2016Buckle up, science-lovers and other rational Texans.

Science is coming back to the Texas State Board of Education this year.

The SBOE has announced plans to “streamline” the state’s controversial science standards. And that means evolution will be back in the crosshairs.

We’ll have much more information about this process soon, but for now, two things you can do to help:

Join A TFN Rapid Response Team
Sign up for TFN’s “Stand Up for Science” team, and we’ll update you with the latest news on the science campaign.

Join An SBOE Review Team
TFN can help you apply to serve on an official SBOE review committee. These are the folks who will draft initial recommendations for changes to the standards. We must ensure qualified, reasonable people serve on those teams. (The application deadline is March 16.)

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