TFN President: Texas Women Don't Need Lectures from Rick Perry about Dealing with Unplanned Pregnancies

We just sent out the following press release after Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s patronizing and deeply insulting speech at the National Right to Life conference this morning:


Miller Calls on Governor to Add Passing Comprehensive Sex Ed to Call for the Special Session

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today reacted with dismay over Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s attacks on Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, for filibustering an anti-abortion bill on Tuesday.

“Instead of arrogantly lecturing Wendy Davis and other women who have had unplanned pregnancies and faced challenges he can’t begin to imagine, Rick Perry should address his failure as governor to deal honestly with the teen pregnancy epidemic in his own state,” Miller said. “He opposes girls and young women learning about birth control in sex ed so they can responsibly protect their health and their future. Just as appalling has been his support for policies that limit women’s access to family planning services.”

Miller noted that throughout Gov. Perry’s tenure, Texas has had one of the highest teen birth rates in the nation. Texas had the nation’s fifth highest teen birth rate in 2011 and the nation’s highest rate of repeat births to teens in 2010, the most recent years for which that data is available.

In his speech at the National Right to Life conference today, Gov. Perry was patronizing in his insulting reference to Sen. Davis and her filibuster of anti-abortion legislation on Tuesday:

“In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of as single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”

Miller called on the governor today to add passing comprehensive sex education to his call for the special legislative session.

Resources on teen pregnancy in Texas:,-But-Texas-Still-


12 thoughts on “TFN President: Texas Women Don't Need Lectures from Rick Perry about Dealing with Unplanned Pregnancies

  1. Wow. “…every life deserves a chance.” ???? Seriously???? Coming soon: young teen masturbator charged with reckless abandonment, may face trial as an adult

  2. Every life matters except the life of Kimberly McCarthy who was the 500th Texas inmate to be executed. Perry killed her yesterday.

    I know that’s extreme rhetoric, but Perry’s hypocrisy is extreme, too.

    1. Perry doesn’t realize that he aborted a fetus way after 20 weeks — yes, executing someone is a very very very late-term abortion. For some reason, fetuses hold more appeal to Perry et fils. than air-breathing born humans.

  3. I would not be surprised to learn that Perry knows a lot about unplanned pregnancies and 1957 Chevrolets.

  4. If Perry and his ilk were really serious about PREVENTING abortion, he would authorize the State of Texas to invest in thousands of condoms which would be distributed free in high schools, beauty shops, barber shops, health clubs, BARS (especially!), etc. Condoms are cheap! He could give condom contracts to his buddies in the manufacturing sector. Or have a Texas brand condom — with a picture of Perry on the wrapper saying “don’t be like me, use your head” or something. Forgive me, I’m incensed by Perry right now.

  5. really? Gov. Good Hair Perry aka Perry the Pharisee along with his theocrats repeatedly show that they lack common decency as well as common sense …

  6. Well said.

    How about showing you care about teenagers by giving accurate sex and health information in Texas schools, Rick?

  7. “It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”-R. Perry

    Governor Perry, if every life mattered, you would have stayed the execution of a 52 year old woman in Texas that same day. But you did not. The fight is not about the rights of the unborn, sir. This fight is about the rights of already born females to choose whether to continue a pregnancy. I do not presume to tell you how to live your life according to your moral code, and I am entitled to the same respect.

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