3 thoughts on “Texas SBOE Says ‘No’ to Dolores Huerta, POTUS Says ‘Heck Yeah’

  1. Well, our current POTUS isn’t remotely “good enough” for a bunch of our SBOE members, either. And they haven’t examined Ms Huerta’s long-form birth certificate yet, either…..

    1. > Well, our current POTUS isn’t remotely “good enough” for a bunch of our SBOE members, either. And they haven’t examined Ms Huerta’s long-form birth certificate yet, either…..

      Yes, especially since the current POTUS is all mixed up in that ungodly discipline called science, whereas a “bunch of our SBOE members” believe that people walked around with dinosaurs.

      “Hey, you got your science in my superstition!”
      -Ken Mercer

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