Texas Rising Leadership Opportunity Available at UNT

Are you a student looking to roll your sleeves up and gain valuable non-profit progressive advocacy experience? If so, the Texas Rising leadership program has an opportunity for you at the University of North Texas. The Texas Rising student organizing program is made up of campus fellows who work to advocate for issues that matter on their campuses and in their communities: LGBTQ equality, reproductive justice and health access and voting rights.

What are the benefits of becoming a Texas Rising Fellow?

  • Senior Campus Fellows receive a monthly stipend of $100
  • Networking opportunities with some of Texas’ best political activists
  • Résumé builder: one year of real-world political activism with a leading statewide non-profit advocacy organization and national partners like Advocates for Youth
  • All-expense paid grassroots and advocacy training opportunities. Build skills in media and public speaking

Plus, Campus Fellows get to:

  • Participate in Texas Rising advocacy efforts at the State Board of Education
  • Run a voter registration and civic engagement campaign on campus
  • Become a grassroots activist to support progressive issues, including civic engagement, LGBTQ equality and abortion access
  • Host events and rallies on the UNT campus and in the community
  • Run a student chapter with access to support from a statewide organization

If interested in this position, please contact Rachel at [email protected].

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