Texas Freedom Network Statement on the Final Passage of Anti-Voter Senate Bill 1

Aug. 31, 2021

AUSTIN – Today, after months of advocacy to stop Governor Abbott and state leaders’ attempts to suppress the vote, Senate Bill 1 passed out of the Texas House and Texas Senate onto the Governor’s desk.

Texas Freedom Network’s President and Executive Director Val Benavidez Issued the Following Statement:

“It is heartbreaking that state leadership would spend so much time, energy, and resources passing a bill making it harder for younger, Black, Brown, and disabled Texans to vote, but we will not be deterred. While Gov. Abbott and Dade Phelan spent the past few months toying with our rights, this is an important moment to recognize the heroism of the advocates and activists who fought hard for the future of our democracy. For months now, activists throughout the state have spoken up in defense of our right to vote and the world has listened.

“Despair is not an option, nor is denial. The proper response to these draconian measures is the steely resolve to wage the fight of our lives. The Texas Freedom Network is fired up and ready to go.”

Texas Rising Director Rae Martinez added:

“We’re not giving up just yet. For Texas Rising, the battle is just beginning. We will register more voters than ever before, teach them how to comply with these unnecessary, ridiculous laws, and ensure they cast their votes at the ballot box to hold these leaders accountable.

This was not the first time Gov. Abbott ignored the will of his constituents, and it certainly will not be the last. This was not our first fight for the future of Texas democracy, and rest assured, it certainly will not be our last.”


The Texas Freedom Network (tfn.org) is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

Texas Rising Action, a project of the Texas Freedom Network, builds the power of a rising generation of young Texans, with an emphasis on communities of color, by advocating for change in the cities and towns where they live and at the ballot box. To learn more, visit txrising.org.

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