Texas Freedom Network, Faith Leaders Reject Texas Lawmakers’ Draconian Assault on Abortion Rights

For Immediate Release

Austin, Texas — SB 8 will ban abortion before many women even know they are pregnant, but that didn’t stop the Texas House of Representatives from passing the bill on the House floor on Wednesday. HB 1280, which is up for a vote in the House later today, will make virtually all abortions illegal in Texas with only a few exceptions, and criminalize doctors for performing abortions.

Following a press conference by Texas Freedom Network’s project, Just Texas, and faith leaders, the group released the following statement today as the bill is now closer than ever to becoming a law.

Carisa Lopez, political director for Texas Freedom Network:

“On top of traveling hundreds of miles to clinics, on top of a forced ultrasound, on top of every single undue burden women in our state currently have to face when seeking reproductive healthcare, SB 8 and HB 1280 will prevent countless Texas women from accessing safe abortions in our state.

“Abortion is healthcare and a human right, and just 13 percent of Texans believe abortion should be completely outlawed. Yet today, 81 Texas lawmakers are now on the record in favor of a ban on abortion before most women even know they’re pregnant. This attack on Texans must be stopped.

“After 50,000 Texans have been killed by a global pandemic, after millions across our state lost power for days following a deadly winter storm, it’s outright insulting and irresponsible that Texas lawmakers are focused on further restricting women’s access to health care. For a state already facing such trying times as these, and for a state where reproductive healthcare laws are already among the most extreme in the country, this effort to further restrict access to basic medical care is as dangerous and cruel as it is unpopular and untimely.

“As we look ahead to statewide elections in 2022, make no mistake: Texas voters are taking notice of this reckless assault on abortion rights, and they will hold their lawmakers accountable.”


The Texas Freedom Network (tfn.org) is a grassroots organization of religious and community leaders and young Texans building an informed and effective movement for equality and social justice.

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