The following press release is from the Trust. Respect. Access coalition, of which the Texas Freedom Network is a part.


Attacks on Reproductive Health Care Must Be Stopped, Advocates, Faith Leaders, and Lawmakers Tell Crowd

February 26, 2015

Today a diverse group of Texans from across the state joined forces with a broad coalition of organizations at the Texas State Capitol to call on lawmakers to support policies that restore trust in Texans to make their own reproductive health care decisions, respect for health care professionals, and access to safe, timely abortion care.

Speaking at an event on the Capitol steps, Amy Hagstrom Miller, president of Whole Woman’s Health, explained that the Trust. Respect. Access. campaign aims to build a movement for reproductive freedom in Texas.

“Texans have endured tremendous political interference that has eroded access to quality healthcare across the state, all based on the lies of extremist politicians,” she said. “Today we commit to change the conversation around abortion, reverse some of the most restrictive policies on reproductive healthcare and push for more proactive legislation that protects and preserves reproductive rights.”

Candice Russell shared a personal abortion story that stressed the impact restrictive policies like House Bill 2 have on the lives of Texans.

“I spent a lot of time fighting against HB 2’s restrictions – restrictions that I never thought were going to personally impact me,” Russell said. “After realizing I was pregnant again last year, I needed to travel to California to undergo my surgical abortion.”

Hundreds of advocates spent the day visiting legislative offices to urge lawmakers to reverse the damage caused by laws that restrict access to the full range of reproductive health care.

Kathy Miller, president of Texas Freedom Network, emphasized that this day of action was part of the comprehensive, multi-year Trust. Respect. Access. campaign.

“Our campaign isn’t just about the bills that legislators are considering this session,” Miller said. “Today we are all committing to a long, sustained effort to roll back the reckless attacks on reproductive health care and restore trust in Texans to make our own decisions about whether and when to have children without the interference of meddling politicians.”

The coalition partners leading this coordinated effort include: ACLU of Texas, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, Texas Freedom Network, Texas Research Institute, and Whole Woman’s Health.

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