Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips:

“My understanding — I’m not a theologian — but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times. Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.”

— Republican Mark L. Cole of the Virginia House of Delegates, suggesting one reason fellow lawmakers should pass his bill protecting people from attempts by employers or insurance companies to implant microchips in their bodies against their will. Some of the bill’s supporters worry that microchips — and bar codes — could be the “mark of the beast,” or antichrist, foretold in the Book of Revelations.

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9 thoughts on “Talking Points

  1. I’m a’loading up my truck with a big batch of tin-foil ten-gallon hats and taking them to Virginia. I’ll make a killin’.

  2. Well, I agree with the ban. No one should be required to have an implanted microchip that they do not want. It is a bit Orwellian, and there would be no accounting for the extra content that might be slipped onto a chip or changes in that content that could be made remotely without one’s knowledge. I could even foresee a time when everyone would be required to receive a chip infused with an explosive charge. If the government wants to get rid of you or stop your flee from the scene of a back robbery, they just push a button and stop you cold. Now, we shall segway into the Christian Neo-Fundamentalist view on microchip implantation.

    In my opinion, the issue with them does not involve fighting implanted microships to prevent the Anti-Christ’s takeover of the world. For those who believe in the whole Tim LaHaye package, it is arguable that the advent of the Anti-Christ is a foregone inevitability that cannot be stopped by human action. Revelations is prophecy, which is a record of all that SHALL be rather than the story of what might be. So, what is the real problem with the microchips and the LaHaye crowd?

    From their perspective, the big problem is the very act of receiving the chip (i.e., allowing or agreeing to its implantation in one’s forehead—as the Bible says). You have to remember that the Christian Neo-Fundamentalists worship a God who is angry at humans 24/7, has no sense of humor, makes harsh judgements by splitting microfine hairs with facts and situations, and is inherently irrational, petty, and vindictive in nature. Basically, their vision of God is nothing like the Jesus of the New Testament. This is why most of their so-called “relationship” with God appears to be founded on abject terror rather than anything that one could call “love” with an honest and straight face. Therefore, in their view, if one accepts the microchip implantation or fails to successfully resist its implantation, God will take that as a rejection of Him and damn them to Hell for it.

    For example, if your Uncle Ferd has Alzheimers disease right now, is confined to a nursing home, and has a propensity to run away, it might be nice to have a microchip in his forehead to keep up with him. This is very innocent to be sure. However, let us suppose that the Anti-Christ comes three months later and begins his reign. Uncle Ferd has a microchip in his forehead already. Without Uncle Ferd knowing it, the Anti-Christ reprograms the chip to add “his required satanic information.” Ferd and his family might have a hard time explaining that chip’s presence to God—or so the thinking goes. And notice how, in their minds, God is so undiscerning and unforgiving (despite what they otherwise say) that He is unlikely to properly sort out the situation and judge Uncle Ferd’s situation wisely. Why? Because, in their view and despite the New Testament’s loving take on Jesus, God spends most of his time being angry and irrational with humans. Therefore, better be safe than sorry and press for legislation against implanted microchips so God will not get the wrong idea and send us all to Hell because we have a chip. Get the picture.

  3. Yes, I agree with the idea that we should be very careful about technology.
    I just don’t need a heavy, syrupy, greasy slathering of hooey to know that.
    None of those hucksters making a killing fleecing the sheep can agree anyway, in fact they’re constantly working up new angles.

  4. Maybe the rapture will take all these people who believe in this hooey away and leave the rest of us in peace.
    Now that’s a scenario I can start to believe in.

  5. It’s a scenario I find very appealing David. Maybe we could start our own religion. How many followers do think we’ll need?

  6. How many followers would you need? You could consult a low-life television preacher. All you have to remember is that the lowest common denominator is not what you believe. It is all about the money. Total up your overhead. Add a hefty profit margin for the church, mansions, boats, cars, airplanes, and fancy restaurants. Don’t forget air conditioning for your doghouse (Thanks Tammy Faye!!!). Determine the minimum amount your shmucks…uh…followers are likely to contribute for the advertised vial of holy water, your new book, prayer cloth, etc. Divide the overhead total by this minimum amount per follower, and you will get the minimum number of followers you will need. More is always better.

    On a Serious Note:

    The New Testament has much to say about false prophets, religious charlatans, and money. One verse says that the “love of money is the root of all evil.” Have you ever really thought about that statement? The book of Genesis says that humans wanting to be God is the root of all evil. On the surface, they sound mutually exclusive. However, and here’s the rub, money is power. The more you have—the more you are able to acquire power, control events, and manipulate just about anything or anyone. In other words, it facilitates being “God-like.” The love of money really is the root of all evil. I wonder when the television preachers and leaders of the Religious Right will finally figure that out about themselves???????????????

  7. A laymen’s understanding of sociobiology indicates that power relations are at the core of semiotics, (communication) which begins with the grunts and chest pounding, licking, grooming, etc. of our fellow “social critters”.

    Our “language” based social structures are abstractions of this basic paradigm.

    Money is essentially a “linguistic” tool indicating power.

    Sociology is a fledgling science and has already had a dramatic impact on psychology.

    Abuse of power is a phenomenon we’re just now starting to figure out in areas of teacher/student, pastor/congregation relations.
    Even after all these centuries, by now we ought to know better.
    A healthy spiritual (or any) community can be defined by the balance in the power equation between the pastor/guide/teacher and the rest of the community.
    The community can be divided into two groups. Those who are aware and active in the power equation and those who are blind/blinded/ foolish/passive etc.
    The unhealthy relationship is indicated by the wolves (those who exploit the power equation) and the sheep (clueless until it’s too late.)

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