Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips:

“It is, in many respects, a war. Not a war that’s fought with guns. But it’s a war of ideas. It’s a war for the heart and soul of America. Who are we? And what are we to become? And that war is on many, many fronts. That war is on popular culture, on our movies and television programs and music and entertainment videos. The war is in academia, in colleges and universities and now — increasingly — in primary and secondary schools. And the war is against people who have an ideology — a secular ideology, a relativistic, materialistic ideology — which denies the existence of truth, which denies the existence of a creator and a foundation upon which to build and to seek those truths.”

— Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., telling recent graduates of a South Carolina Christian school that they are about to enter an ideological war. Is it too much to ask that religious-right leaders stop talking about matters of faith in terms of violence and war — even as the United States is engaged in a real war with violent religious extremists?

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3 thoughts on “Talking Points

  1. I have never denied the existence of truth. Rick Santorum is a traditional fruitcake with all the trimmings. That’s the truth. So is Jesus.

  2. Is it too much to ask that religious-right leaders stop talking about matters of faith in terms of violence and war — even as the United States is engaged in a real war with violent religious extremists?

    Yes, it is asking for too much. Violence and war is what Christofascist extremists want ultimately.

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