Gov. Abbott today announced a deal was being made with Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan regarding school vouchers. The contentiously debated program would divert tax dollars from neighborhood public schools to partially subsidize education at unregulated private and religious schools. […]
Texas Freedom Network Hosts Press Conference and Drop of Petition With Over 2700 Signatures Urging State Legislators To Oppose Voucher Schemes
The Texas Freedom Network, partners, and public education allies yesterday hosted a press conference ahead of dropping a petition with over 2700 Texans’ signatures urging members of the Texas Legislature to oppose all renewed voucher bills. […]
BREAKING: Texas Senate Fails State’s Children, Families, and Taxpayers with Advancement of Voucher Bill
The Texas Senate tonight advanced Senate Bill 1, a renewed school voucher bill, with an 18-13 vote. […]
It’s Over: A Look Back at the 86th Legislative Session
The 86th session of the Texas Legislature is history. Lawmakers left town on Monday following a session that, generally speaking, had fewer of the culture war fights we’ve come to expect. You can attribute that to elections, and it seems the results of last November have elected officials worried about their fates at the ballot […]
TFN Statement on Texas Senate Passage of Private School Voucher Scheme
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2017 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller has the following statement on the preliminary approval of House Bill 21 by the Texas Senate. HB 21 was originally a school finance bill but became a voucher bill when it was amended in the Senate. The Texas House of Representatives must still approve the Senate’s version of the bill […]