Texas House Candidate Warns of Muslim ‘Infiltration’ in American Society

A candidate seeking a seat in the Texas House of Representatives in the May 27 Republican runoff recently warned listeners on a religious radio program about “the infiltration of our society by Muslims.” The Texas Tribune reported about the comments by Rob Henneke, who finished second in the March primary for the GOP nomination to replace state Rep. […]

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Dallas Morning Show Turns into Shouting Match over Michael Sam's Televised Kiss

Hosts of “The Broadcast,” a morning show from Dallas television station KTXD, probably could have used a referee on Tuesday during a heated argument about football player Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on ESPN. The Kiss happened when Sam learned he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams, becoming the first openly gay football player drafted by any NFL […]

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Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert Compares Gay Rights Supporters to Nazis

There he goes again. Congressman Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert, an East Texas Republican, is once again demonstrating his contempt for people different from him. Today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Gohmert assured listeners that he loves everybody before then suggesting that gay people are intolerant, are a danger to society, and are trying to […]

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National Day of Prayer — or Politics?

Nine years ago the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a report showing how religious-right groups had hijacked the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer: Turning a Day of Faith into a Rally for the Christian Right examined how organizations like the National Day of Prayer Task Force and Focus on the Family as […]

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Now Barton Suggests Allowing Women to Vote Is Bad for Families

Just when you think David Barton‘s ideas can’t get any more archaic and offensive, he can surprise you. Today the religious right’s favorite phony historian and the head of Texas-based WallBuilders told listeners on his radio program that our nation’s founders didn’t allow women to vote because limiting the vote just to men protected the family. In […]

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