Rick Perry Hopes Folks Will Forget His Gay-Bashing History

Defending his offensive remarks comparing gay people to alcoholics, Gov. Rick Perry on Monday dug himself an even deeper hole. He even tried to dismiss his rancid history of pandering to religious-righters by bashing the LGBT community. CNBC’s “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernan told Perry how offensive his most recent remarks were: “I have a really high bar for what […]

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CNN's Anderson Cooper Schools Texas GOPer on Gay 'Cure' Therapy

CNN’s Anderson Cooper talked to Texas state Rep. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, on Wednesday about the state Republican Party’s support for “therapy” to convert gay people into straight people. Hughes argued that evidence supports so-called “reparative therapy.” But Anderson exposed that claim as utter nonsense. In fact, medical experts and professional organizations such as the American Medical Association, […]

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New Low for Texas Gov. Perry: Compares Gay People to Alcoholics

So this is what Texas Gov. Rick Perry had to say about gay people at an event Wednesday evening in San Francisco: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that,” Perry said. “I may have the genetic coding that I’m […]

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Religious-Right Group Defends Texas GOP's Support for Abusive Gay 'Cure' Therapy

One of the most extreme religious-right groups in Texas is rushing to defend the state Republican Party for adopting a platform last week that supports discredited “reparative therapy,” which seeks to convert or “cure” gay people. Medical experts and professional associations have condemned “reparative therapy” as abusive quackery that seriously endangers the mental health and physical well-being of those who suffer through it. The American Psychiatric Association, […]

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Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert Questions Barry Lynn on Christianity

If you read this blog, you’re probably the kind of person that, for one reason or another, knows the name Barry Lynn. But in case you don’t, here’s a brief refresher. For starters, it’s the Rev. Barry Lynn. Rev. Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He’s an accomplished lecturer and […]

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