Ever since the tragedy in South Carolina on June 17, when a 21-year-old suspect motivated by white supremacist beliefs shot and killed nine African-American worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, there has been a renewed attention on Confederate history and what caused the Civil War. We here at TFN have even […]
Houston Pastor: Opposing Discrimination Is ‘What Jesus Calls Me to Do’
With the question of repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) headed to a November ballot, pro-discrimination activists on the religious right are portraying the battle as one against the “presence of evil.” Sadly but predictably, those activists seek once again to use faith as a political weapon to divide Houstonians and promote discrimination — particularly against the LGBT community (even though HERO […]
Dave Welch: We’re in the ‘Presence of Evil’ in HERO Fight
By now you know that the Texas Supreme Court ordered the city of Houston to either repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) or put it up for a vote in November. Here’s something else you already know: The opponents of the ordinance — which bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, […]
Gov. Abbott Joins Religious-Right Gathering in Austin
The Texas Renewal Project event scheduled for later this month will have another notable speaker: Gov. Greg Abbott. We already wrote about this event, but the addition of the state’s top elected official appears to be new, according to an email invitation that went out late last week. Abbott will join former Arkansas governor Mike […]
The Logic of the Wall Street Journal, if You Can Call It That
The Wall Street Journal put up an editorial this week praising Gov. Greg Abbott for his appointment of Donna Bahorich to chair the Texas State Board of Education. TFN was just one voicing concern over Bahorich’s appointment, in part because she “rejected public education for her own family” and home-schooled her children. And here’s some […]