Texas Church Posts Sign: ‘Vote for the Mormon, not the Muslim’

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has asked the Internal Revenue Service to determine whether a Texas church has violated federal tax law by posting a public sign urging people to “vote for the Mormon, not the Muslim.” According to AU, the pastor of the Church in the Valley in Leakey, Texas, posted […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “F*** vouchers.” — The late state Sen. Mario Gallegos, on his deathbed, to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. Gallegos, D-Houston, was a stalwart supporter of education and voting rights, in one session returning to the Senate early after a liver transplant to try to block voter ID legislation. He died on […]

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Texas Eagle Forum Promotes Anti-Immigrant Falsehood

Texas Eagle Forum’s leaders like to pretend that they champion traditional family values and good Christian morals. But the state affiliate of Phyllis Schlafly’s right-wing outfit has no problem smearing entire classes of people with falsehoods and distortions. Gay people are often among their biggest targets. But the October edition of the group’s newsletter, The […]

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