Most GOP Candidates for Texas Ed Board Support Teaching ‘Weaknesses’ of Evolution, Posting Ten Commandments in Public Schools

During the Texas State Board of Education‘s debate over science curriculum standards in 2008, supporters of sound science education succeeded in killing a provision that would have required students to learn creationism-inspired arguments about the “weaknesses” of evolution. But nine Republicans in state board races apparently will insist that new biology textbooks include those bogus […]

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Right-Wing Pastor Says God Is Punishing America with Hurricanes, Drought

John McTernan, Pennsylvania founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith ministries, says Hurricane Sandy is only the latest example of how God is punishing America: God is systematically destroying America. Just look at what has happened this year. There was an incredible heatwave and drought that destroyed massive amounts of the crops. This drought has […]

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VP Nominee Ryan Says Contraception Mandate Will Hurt the Poor

Talking Points Memo reports that Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan argued today in Cleveland that the Obama administration’s requirement that most employers include coverage for contraception in health insurance for employees will actually hurt the poor. The mandate does not apply to churches and other houses of worship. Religiously affiliated institutions such as hospitals […]

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