Awaiting History's Judgment II

The 40+ Republican elected officials in Texas who signed on to the letter calling on the Boy Scouts of America to continue discriminating against gay scouts probably won’t have to wait long to see history’s judgment. From a Reuters article on Wednesday: The Boy Scouts of America has delayed its vote until May but a […]

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Awaiting History's Judgment

Sadly, history often repeats itself, especially when it comes to discrimination. The debate over the Boy Scouts of America’s now-postponed decision about whether to end a blanket ban on gay scouts is just another example — and a number of Texas politicians have chosen to put their names clearly on the wrong side of history. […]

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Is David Barton Now Getting His ‘History’ from Louis L’Amour Novels?

That’s the headline from a great post by writer and David Barton-debunker extraordinaire Chris Rodda. Read the whole thing, but here’s a summary: Speaking on right-wing commentator Glenn Beck’s web-based TV show last month, Barton suggested that arming students as well as teachers is the solution for protecting schoolchildren from mass shootings like the one […]

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