Told You So: Anti-CSCOPE Fanatics See a New Dragon to Slay

We already told you that the political activists who promoted the witch hunt that appears to have gutted the CSCOPE curriculum tool were already turning their attention to new targets. Well, check out this new post on the blog “Red Hot Conservative” written by Ginger Russell, one of the most vocal CSCOPE critics. What’s got […]

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Gay Youth OK with Boy Scouts, But ExxonMobil Isn't So Sure

UPDATE, 11:46 a.m.: ExxonMobil shareholders meeting in Dallas have voted against the proposed nondiscrimination policy. The Dallas Voice reports that 81 percent of shareholders voted to reject the resolution. *** Just a week after the Boy Scouts of America decided to stop discriminating against gay youth (but kept the ban on gay scout leaders), some […]

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Rick Perry and Louie ‘Terror Babies’ Gohmert Rip Gay Scouts (Duh)

It’s hard to argue that Texas doesn’t have some of the most virulently anti-gay politicians in the nation. Consider, for example, Gov. Rick Perry and Congressman Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert. Our friends at Right Wing Watch have audio clips of both politicians commenting about last week’s decision by the Boy Scouts of America to end […]

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Real Respect for Religious Freedom Isn't Disappointing

Peggy Venable, head of the Texas chapter of the right-wing group Americans for Prosperity, doesn’t seem to understand the concept of religious freedom very well. Here’s what she tweeted about state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, as the Texas House began what is always a long day at the end of a legislative session: Not all […]

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