Why Is Greg Abbott Still Associating with Extremists?

When it comes to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot, at least one thing has become abundantly clear: he doesn’t have a problem sharing the stage with some of the nation’s most extreme, divisive and hateful figures. That conclusion is underscored by the news that Abbott will be a featured speaker next month at a Texas Renewal […]

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Texas Religious-right Politicians Fall Prey to Scam by 'Godly Man'

Oh, the irony. The Dallas Morning News reports that four Texas politicians — politicians often aligned with religious-right groups that use faith as a political weapon — were among the victims of a Ponzi-like scheme run by a North Texas businessman. It seems they trusted the scammer because he appeared to be a good Christian and […]

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Why Isn't Bill Zedler Angry about Ted Nugent Glorifying Sex with Teen Girls?

Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is upset that rocker Ted Nugent’s racist insults (like “subhuman mongrel”) about President Obama and his equally repugnant attacks on Hillary Clinton  (like “toxic c***,” “two-bit whore” and “worthless bitch”) have made the news. Now Nugent name calling of Obama gets media hype, but where were they when Bill Mahr called […]

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