Don't Let Right-Wing Activists Rewrite American History

Publishers will submit textbooks in April for all socials studies and history courses from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Grades K-5 Social Studies Middle School Courses World Cultures and Geography Texas History U.S. History to 1877 High School Courses World Geography World History Sociology U.S. History since 1877 U.S. Government Economics Psychology We want to remind […]

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More on That Texas Biology Textbook Review Panel

Josh Rosenau, programs and policy director at the National Center for Science Education, wondered how the creationist chairwoman of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) came to appoint a real scientist and evolution defender to a key textbook review panel. As we reported on Tuesday, that panel unanimously rejected creationist claims that a leading high […]

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GOP Candidates for Texas Lieutenant Governor Advocate Teaching Creationism in Public Schools

During a debate in Waco on Thursday, candidates for the Republican nomination for Texas lieutenant governor said they support teaching biblical creationism in the state’s public schools. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that teaching creationism in public school science classrooms violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and two […]

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Learn How to Lobby to Defend and Improve Science Education

Our friends at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) have been fantastic partners with the Texas Freedom Network in defending teaching about evolution and climate change in Texas public schools. Now NCSE is offering an online workshop on December 18 to train people around the country how to lobby their elected officials in support of science […]

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