GOP Candidates in Texas Lieutenant Governor Race Cynically Repeat Calls to Teach Creationism in Public Schools

Each of the four candidates seeking the Republican nomination for Texas lieutenant governor raced as far to the extreme right as they could during their debate Monday night. Each one, for example, expressed support for banning abortion even in cases of rape or incest. Each one insisted that government should intrude into the end-of-life decisions families […]

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'Forcing Evolution into Texas Schools'?

Anti-science zealots can be pretty (unintentionally) comical. The Austin American-Statesman published an article today (behind a paywall) about  Responsive Education Solutions charter schools teaching junk science that attacks evolution and promotes creationism as a valid scientific alternative. The article prompted one right-wing activist to claim in an online screed this morning: “Libs bullying to force evolution into Texas […]

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Rick Perry Stands Up for Science? Oh Please.

Interesting tweet from Team Rick Perry today:  “Science needs to be part of the conversation on decriminalization of drugs.” @GovernorPerry #WEF14 #health — Team Rick Perry (@TeamRickPerry) January 23, 2014 Wait. Is this the same Rick Perry who says Texas public school science classes should teach creationism alongside evolution? Who, in fact, claimed in […]

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Texas Charter School Operator Defends Misleading Its Students with Junk Science, Political Propaganda

The CEO of Texas-based Responsive Education Solutions has responded to an in-depth article in Slate detailing how the charter operator’s public schools teach junk science and political propaganda as factual. Frankly, the CEO’s response is just as troubling as the original allegations about the schools’ troubling curriculum. Responsive Ed’s CEO Chuck Cook wrote an extensive […]

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TFN Calls for Investigation of Texas Charter School Operator Amid Allegations of Politicized Curriculum Materials

Ideologues trying to politicize our children’s classrooms aren’t just focused on traditional public schools. A report published today alleges that one of the largest charter school operators in Texas is using curriculum materials to indoctrinate students with anti-science and right-wing propaganda. We just sent out this press release: The president of the Texas Freedom Network […]

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