Last week, the State Board of Education chose to delay the Social Studies TEKS revision, wasting $200,000 of state funds allocated to workgroups while silencing the voices of our communities. Flooded with misinformation, overwhelmed by public testimony from a small, extremist group of testifiers who opposed an inclusive curriculum, the board bowed to pressure and failed to do its job. […]
Teach the Truth
Campaign of Falsehoods and Misinformation Helps Derail Texas Social Studies Overhaul
Far-Right Groups Poison Overhaul with Culture War Objections, Demands to Sanitize History and Reject Inclusive Standards AUSTIN, Texas – An array of far-right groups today helped derail months of work on the first major overhaul of Texas social studies standards in a dozen years with a misleading and poisonous culture war campaign. After the State […]
Advocates today denounced inflammatory attacks on teachers and called on the State Board of Education to ensure new curriculum standards allow public schools to teach the truth […]
Books ‘R’ Us: Readers on the Impact of Books in Their Lives
Books are magic. They teach, inspire, comfort, guide, and entertain us. They can challenge our worldview, transport and connect us to realities that aren’t always our own. They build us up, and sometimes, they can reveal our truest selves without judgment. They’re reliable, safe spaces, and great listeners. They help us place ourselves in the big, unknowable world. […]
The Book Banners Are Coming for Optimus Prime
Now, the book banners are coming for Optimus Prime. There are many reasons why the recent surge of books banned from school libraries should concern all of us. A major one is this censorship movement’s predictable descent into something that will likely leave you scratching your head, wondering just why they banned that one. It highlights how this movement isn’t concerned with quality education, and it’s really all about control and playing politics with our neighborhood schools. […]