Jared Woodfill: An Extremist’s Extremist

Jared Woodfill has a plan to win the chairmanship of the Texas Republican Party this year: rally some of the most viciously anti-LGBT and anti-abortion extremists in support. Naturally, religious-righters are thrilled. Woodfill, a former Harris County GOP chair, helped craft and lead the reprehensible fear-mongering campaign that succeeded in repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) last […]

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Houston Hate-Monger Steve Hotze: Transgender People Are Promoting a ‘Satanic Movement’

That’s Houston hate-monger Steve Hotze talking about transgender people on Sam Malone’s right-wing radio program this past Monday. Hotze continues to take his victory lap following the repeal of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance last month. Just listen to how Hotze and Malone ridicule and demonize transgender people. The ignorance and brazen bigotry would be shocking coming from […]

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Pay No Attention to the Hatemonger Behind the Curtain

You’ve probably been thinking, hey, what’s Steve Hotze up to these days? The prominent anti-LGBT zealot from Houston has, as the Houston Chronicle noted, been awfully quiet leading up to next week’s referendum to decide the fate of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance. The silence is unusual for the outspoken Hotze, who last made headlines in August […]

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Texas GOPer Calls for Driving Gay People Out of Houston, Treating Them Like the Nazis in World War II

https://twitter.com/cd_hooks/status/631990258620497920 The campaign to repeal the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) became even more vile Thursday night when one of the anti-HERO campaign leaders insisted that gay and transgender people should be forced to leave Houston and even suggested that they face the same destruction the American military inflicted on Nazi Germany. Christopher Hooks at the Texas Observer reported from […]

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