New York Times columnist Gail Collins has a new book coming, As Texas Goes…, which looks at how right-wing politics and other shenanigans in Texas have hijacked public policy across the country. You can read two extended excerpts from Collins book (due out this month): one on the textbook wars here and another on sex […]
State Board of Education
The Texas Connection to a Minnesota Extremist and Potential Education Disaster
Allen Quist, the Minnesota extremist Don McLeroy — then chairman of theĀ Texas State Board of Education — tried to appoint as an “expert” adviser during the revision of social studies curriculum standards in 2009, is back in the news. Quist’s appointment three years ago seemed almost a done deal until the Texas Freedom Network […]
Dolores Huerta Cheats Death, Earns Medal of Freedom
Civil rights activist Dolores Huerta has earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom despite being alive, the White House announced last week. Huerta will receive the nation’s highest civilian honor at a ceremony later this year along with the still-living astronaut John Glenn, still-breathing former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, still-has-a-pulse musician Bob Dylan, still-walking-the-earth former […]
TFN’s Kathy Miller Talks about New Documentary on the Texas SBOE
Austin’s KVUE-TV has a story this evening about “The Revisionaries,” the new documentary focusing on the Texas State Board of Education that premiered this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller talked to KVUE about how the state board has put politics and personal agendas ahead of […]
‘Reality by majority vote’
Key moment from last night’s Colbert Report interview with Don “Somebody’s gotta stand up to experts” McLeroy? That probably came when host Stephen Colbert asked the former Texas State Board of Education chairman who decides what information gets into textbooks: Colbert: “I imagined that experts wrote textbooks, but in fact it gets voted on at […]