Texas Freedom Network Statement on Texas GOP Runoff Race for State Board of Education

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller released the following statement regarding tonight’s loss by Mary Lou Bruner in the runoff for the Republican nomination for State Board of Education District 9: “Texas escaped an education train wreck tonight. If Bruner had ultimately won election to the board, she would have instantly become the most embarrassingly […]

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A Note on That Mexican-American Studies Text You’ve Been Hearing About

You may have seen reports, like this one by the Associated Press, about a proposed Mexican-American studies textbook that will be submitted to the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) for approval and use in the state’s public schools. That textbook is already generating controversy. Cursory reviews of the book show that it includes troubling […]

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Buyer’s Remorse? Tea Party Group Pulls Bruner Endorsement

An influential East Texas Tea Party group has taken back its endorsement of Mary Lou Bruner, the controversial Republican vying for the District 9 seat on the Texas State Board of Education. The group, Grassroots America-We the People, took issue with Bruner’s refusal to address the numerous inaccurate statements about public education she made at […]

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Bruner: ‘We’re About to Win That (Global Warming) Battle’

No matter how wrong she is on a host of issues, Texas State Board of Education candidate Mary Lou Bruner probably thinks she really would help Texas children get the best education possible and go on to succeed in life. Here’s the problem: She cares more about pushing her own bizarre political agenda. She’s a partisan ideologue. […]

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Video: School Superintendents Educate Mary Lou Bruner

Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) candidate Mary Lou Bruner, R-Mineola, who at this point is best known for claiming President Obama as a young man was a drug user who worked as a gay prostitute to pay for his habit and numerous other incendiary statements, recently appeared at a meeting of several school superintendents […]

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