Anti-Sex Ed Candidate Routed in Texas State Board of Education Runoff

Eric Mahroum — who supports displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools and opposes teaching about birth control in sex education classes — went down in flames in Tuesday’s Republican runoff for the District 11 seat on the Texas State Board of Education. Longtime incumbent Pat Hardy easily defeated Mahroum 59%-41% in the Republican runoff for […]

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National Day of Prayer — or Politics?

Nine years ago the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a report showing how religious-right groups had hijacked the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer: Turning a Day of Faith into a Rally for the Christian Right examined how organizations like the National Day of Prayer Task Force and Focus on the Family as […]

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Hobby Lobby Hypocrisy and the War on Birth Control

When Hobby Lobby sued the Obama administration over the requirement that it provide coverage for birth control in its employees’ health insurance plans, the company and religious-right groups billed the lawsuit as a defense of religious freedom. But there are some big problems with that claim — not the least of which is the attempt […]

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