Learn about the United Methodist Church split and why faith values in our Just Texas community demand we fight for inclusion and justice. […]
Reproductive Justice
Reproductive Freedom Helps Everyone Thrive
For those who observe it, Mother’s Day can be a wonderful way to celebrate and uplift parents, parental figures, caregivers, and the many diverse, loving family structures that raise and support children. This year, we invite you to take your conversations further and consider how reproductive justice frameworks and reproductive freedom help all people — including parents and families — thrive. […]
Reproductive Justice and the #TXLege: A Chat with Black Mamas ATX
What does reproductive justice look like in a state where our right to abortion has been stolen? We sat down for a conversation about reproductive justice and state legislation working to address the maternal mortality crisis with a local leader in the movement — Black Mamas ATX Executive Director Kelenne Blake. […]