Galveston ISD Rejects Policy Hiring Unqualified Chaplains, Texas Freedom Network Congratulates Organized Community Members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 21, 2024 CONTACT: Imelda Mejia, [email protected] HOUSTON — The Galveston ISD Board of Trustees tonight rejected creating a new policy under SB 763 allowing chaplains who are unqualified to act as school counselors to be employed or accepted as volunteers to serve as “mental health personnel and support” in the district’s public […]

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What is the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE)?

The Texas SBOE is a board, made up of 15 elected members from across the state, that decides what is and isn’t taught in our public schools.

Why does the SBOE matter? And how can you be part of our important work to #TeachTheTruth? […]

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