Anti-Muslim Texas Legislator Wants President Obama Arrested for Treason

Texas state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, thinks it’s time for Congress to impeach President Obama. From her Facebook page on Monday: “If Obama entertains the MB [Muslim Brotherhood, presumably], arms terrorist, ignores terroristic attacks on American soil, appoints Muslims to serve on Homeland security positions, releases terrorists from Gitmo… Shouldn’t he be arrested and tried […]

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The Moral Cowardice of Ted Cruz

Many Americans — including some leading Republicans — have rightly denounced Donald Trump for declaring that all Muslims should be banned from entry to the United States. Trump’s declaration betrays the values of our nation and our Constitution and is simply designed to cultivate fear and prejudice among voters. But that doesn’t seem to bother Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Sen. Cruz clearly hopes to win […]

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Crushing disappointment for those of us who were excitedly awaiting the Republican primary duel between two of the most wackadoodle right-wingers in Texas — Terri Leo, R-Spring, announced Tuesday that she is dropping her challenge to state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball in next year’s election. Leo posted the announcement on her Facebook page, explaining that she hadn’t been aware that the […]

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Eagle Forum Adds Fantasy Football to List of Threats to America

First they came for the homosexuals. Then they came for the abortionists. Now religious-righters are coming for you, fantasy football fans. Cathie Adams, head of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum, sent to her email list today a new essay — penned by the group’s national leader and founder, Phyllis Schlafly — attacking folks who enjoy playing […]

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