Free Market Foundation Gets It Wrong Again

UPDATE: As Lee notes in his comment below, the House didn’t get to HB 710 on Monday. It’s on the House supplemental calendar for today (Tuesday, May 5). Here’s another of the apparently countless reasons why one shouldn’t rely on the far-right Free Market Foundation Focus on the Family-Texas for information. Free Market says it is […]

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Bill Maher vs. Gov. Perry and the SBOE

Mocking the stone age science at the Texas State Board of Education has now gone viral — late-night comedians have the rest of the country laughing at us. Bill Maher de-pantsed the governor on last Friday’s episode of his HBO series Real Time with Bill Maher. He [Perry] appointed a creationist to head the Texas State Board […]

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Ed Board Extremists Target Social Studies

Having done what they could to muck up the state’s science curriculum standards, fringe right-wingers on the Texas State Board of Education are now moving to politicize the social studies curriculum for public schools. Texas Freedom Network just sent out the following press release: The Texas State Board of Education is set to appoint a […]

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Kooky Conspiracy Theories

Worried about the spread of swine flu? Wendy Wright from the far-right group Concerned Women for America thinks the alarm is all just part of a conspiracy by the Obama administration. Wright charges that the administration declared a “state of emergency” not to make it easier for the government to respond to outbreaks of swine flu […]

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Is Gov. Perry Abandoning McLeroy?

Is Gov. Rick Perry abandoning Don McLeroy? The Houston Chronicle’s R.G. Ratcliffe asked the governor today whether he’s worried that the Senate would reject his reappointment of the controversial Bryan dentist as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education. The governor hardly offered a ringing endorsement of the man he first appointed to the post in […]

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