Gov. Perry and ‘Government Intrusions’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election campaign just sent out an e-mail touting his speech at the religious right’s “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., this past weekend. This speech excerpt noted in the e-mail caught our eye: “It is well past time for us to halt the endless intrusions into our lives, put a stop […]

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Gov. Perry: ‘We’re in a Recession?’

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is speaking in the nation’s capital today at the “Values Voter Summit,” a confab put together by a constellation of religious-right groups like the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family and the American Family Association. What’s more likely to make news in coming weeks, however, are the governor’s comments this […]

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Important Progress

Today’s State Board of Education hearing on proposed new social studies standards for Texas public schools was long and often exhausting. (Scroll down to find our blog posts from the hearing.) But we noted some important progress for ensuring that our schoolchildren get an honest and sound education. In particular, David Barton and Peter Marshall […]

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Looking for a Real ‘War on Christmas’?

Now WorldNetDaily — the fringe Web site that promotes one far-right conspiracy theory after another — is peddling the bogus “war on Christmas” story in Texas. But that’s not the only thing WND is peddling. Read on to find out how the Web site does a pretty good job of demeaning Christmas all on its […]

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No to Grammar, But Yes to John Wayne?

David Barton is complaining about a bogus “war on Christmas” in proposed new social studies curriculum standards, but what about his “war on grammar”? And Barton has also complained that too many “insignificant” historial figures have been included in the standards, crowding out people he thinks are more important. So why is he proposing that […]

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