Ask Him about the Nazis, David

David Barton, head of the Texas-based, Christian-right group WallBuilders, has an interesting guest for his Internet talk show this week. Barton will talk to Brad Dacus, head of the anti-gay Pacific Justice Institute in California. Dacus was a prominent support of Proposition 8, which in 2008 took away the right of gay and lesbian Californians […]

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Slavery and the Good Ol’ Days?

Last week’s public hearingĀ on proposed social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools drew an interesting assortment of right-wing groups and ideologues. In fact, as the State Board of Education heard testimony inside the meeting room, Tea Partiers rallied in the lobby. The “rally” — if you can call it that — seemed mostly to […]

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David Barton Gets Defensive — and Vicious

David Barton, the self-styled historian appointed by the Texas State Board of Education to a panel of curriculum “experts,” is angry with the Texas Freedom Network. In an e-mail to far-right activists last week, the founder of WallBuilders (a Christian-right organization that opposes separation of church and state) brands TFN as a member of the […]

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Tea Partiers: ‘Take Back Our Schools!’

Next week’s public hearing on social studies curriculum standards in Austin could resemble last summer’s angry protests over health insurance reform. That’s because the anti-government Tea Party brigades are now turning their attention to curriculum matters at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). The Austin Texas Tea Party Web site is screaming: “Take Back […]

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Dodging a Bullet

Remember Allen Quist? He’s the fringe-right Minnesota politician who State Board of Education member Don McLeroy wanted to appoint to a panel of so-called “experts” helping revise social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. Like other absurdly unqualified ideologues who succeeded in getting appointments to the “expert” panel, Quist didn’t just lack academic credentials […]

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