Where Did the Guv Go?

This post has been updated We were so looking forward to the One Nation Under God event organized by Champion the Vote, the national campaign that seeks to register evangelical Christians to vote. But now it seems our main reason for tuning in won’t even be there. Gov. Rick Perry’s likeness and his name as […]

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More Gay-Bashing in Houston Elections

Dave Welch, head of the religious–right group Houston Area Pastor Council, is obsessed with homosexuality and, especially, Houston’s openly lesbian mayor, Annise Parker. As Houstonians prepare to head to the polls for local elections next month, Welch is promoting a web video about Mayor Parker’s “GLBT agenda for Houston.” The video includes various clips and […]

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Renewal Projects: Copy, Paste, Repeat

The people behind religious-right activist David Lane’s Restoration/Renewal Projects are getting plain lazy to the point where they’re just hitting “copy-paste” on old material and distributing it in support of yet another Rick Perry political campaign. The Iowa Independent reports members of the Iowa faith community recently received invitations from the Iowa Renewal Project to […]

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Coordinated Anti-Mormonism?

Mormonism, or the attacks on it, is in the news again this morning following a story in The Daily Beast that cites emails between a Christian radio executive and well-known religious-right activist David Lane. The emails between Lane and Dick Bott of the Bott Radio Network seem to indicate the two were in cahoots to […]

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BREAKING: World Ends Oct. 21

In breaking news out of California, radio evangelist Harold Camping predicts the world will end on May 21, 1988   September 6, 1994   May 21, 2011   October 21, 2011. You know what they say? The fourth time is the charm. So there you go, you have until next Friday to get your affairs in order. If […]

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