Another Reason Private School Vouchers Are a Really, Really Bad Idea

Because private school vouchers will force taxpayers to fund this kind of nonsense: Thousands of American school pupils are to be taught that the Loch Ness monster is real – in an attempt by religious teachers to disprove Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Pupils attending privately-run Christian schools in the southern state of Louisiana will […]

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Cynthia Dunbar: Legislators Can’t Make Laws ‘Contrary to What God Has Said’

Former Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) member Cynthia Dunbar still seems determined to destroy the most important protection for religious freedom in America: the First Amendment. As a member of the Texas SBOE in 2010, Dunbar lead successful opposition to requiring that public school students in social studies classrooms learn how the First Amendment […]

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‘This is not a political effort’ (wink, wink)

Here they go again — another effort to drag churches into partisan politics. This fall Vision America, a religious-right group based in Texas, is sponsoring “40 Days to Save America” — which calls on Americans to pray, fast and repent for “our national and and personal sins against the God of Heaven.” Rick Scarborough, Vision […]

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Right-wing Group Trying to Drag Churches into Partisan Politics

The Alliance Defense Fund is rallying far-right pastors around an effort to overturn a more than 60-year-old federal law that limits houses of worship and other tax-exempt nonprofits from participating in partisan election campaigns. ADF and pastors like Steve Riggle of Houston and Jim Garlow of San Diego are calling on clergy to protest the […]

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San Antonio Event on Saturday Celebrates the First Amendment

The Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, will present the keynote address at a First Amendment Day Celebration on Saturday in San Antonio. Texas Freedom Network staff members will be at the event as well — so come by our booth to say hello. AU’s San Antonio […]

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